
Gestoria Suquet, SLP

Since 1968

Gestoria Suquet, SLP we’re an agency who provides professional services since 1968. We offer integral services specialized in big four areas: Administration Formalities and Business Consultancy, State Administration, Law Firm and Insurance Brokerage. With offices in Palamós, Palafrugell, Sant Feliu de Guixols, but we also reach Barcelona, Madrid and many countries.


Our Principles

We are a team of lawyers, economists and qualified personnel who, in base of continuous learning and excited to provide a great service, want to ensure the well being and security of our clients and try to fulfil our clients need´s in the best possible way.  Our company is governed by the principles of customised customer service, effectiveness, professionalism and compliance with the law in order to offer the most adequate solution. Confidentiality is the keystone of our business relations.

Our Team

In Gestoria Suquet we count with a team of multi disciplined personnel specialized in the different areas in which we offer services. This environment allows us to offer a personalised solution for our client and at the same time having a team who backs up each and every action, in their respective field. This allows us to act in a global way and to analyse different points of view to find the solution that fits our clients demand.


Collegiate Entity in the Col.legi Oficial de Gestors Administratius de Catalunya: num. 30700


Collegiate State Administrator: num. 815


Entity inscribed in the Registre Especial de Corredors d’Assegurances: RE J019GC


Collegiate in the Il.lustre Col.legi d’Advocats de Girona: num. 1317